Tuesday, September 10, 2019

I wrote this one year ago. I still believe it with all my heart.

 You know what makes me sad about tomorrow? Seventeen years ago, the nature of America was changed forever. In the time since we have become a nation of fear, paranoia, and hatred. Was America perfect before? Of course not. Our history is filled with terrible things that we have done. But there was progress along the way as well. And in some ways there has been progress since.

But here is my point, looking ahead to the anniversary of 9/11. I am preparing myself for a torrent of posts and memes about how we ought to always remember, how we should never forget the tragedy. And many of these posts will include the finger of blame, and the proposed solutions. They will call for the elimination of immigration, the expulsion of non-citizens and their families; some going even further and saying they deserve to die. They will hide behind the flag while promoting one religion as patriotic and demonizing another for being "terrorist". And the flag some choose to enshrine isn't the American one. They forget that one of the gripes America had against Britain in the Declaration of Independence was refusing to support immigration, or that one of the points of the First Amendment was to prevent a state religion, so that our beliefs could not be dictated to us.

They will, no doubt, point out the many criminal and anti-American activities of a target group, while ignoring, dismissing, or excusing the exact same activities when it's one of their own doing it. They will promote fear, paranoia, and hate, and forget entirely that those very same things prompted the attack on America 17 years ago.

I will remember tomorrow. I will remember the horror and the tragedy and the grief. I will remember that more than 3,000 people died in an act of terrorism, and the sadness and loss their families felt. I will remember the sacrifice of the heroic first responders as they walked into the gaping jaws of death to save whomever they could. I will remember that for a very short time after, we were a nation united, with the support and sympathy of the world behind us. I will honor the memory of those who were taken from us tomorrow. I refuse to dishonor their memory by spewing the same type of hatred that brought about such a devastating event. I refuse to blame the sins of a few upon an entire segment of our population that doesn't share the terrorist mindset. Just as I don't blame a whole group for a jackass that shoots up a church.

In whatever way you choose to observe tomorrow, I ask that you focus on the loss we suffered and not the hate we might feel. I know I can't make that hate disappear with one post. But if you are serious about "remembering" and "never forgetting", save the hatred for the day after. Leave tomorrow in peace. One nation, with liberty and justice for all.